It’s not just a Sly and the Family Stone song for us, it’s a mantra.
The family of companies that make up Every Day People Group equally play a part in fulfilling our vision of community and service, all while creating the highest quality craft products and environments + empowering the artisans, entrepreneurs, and dreamers behind them.
We are CURIOUS because we know we’re better when we’re working and learning together, not when we’re at odds. We are open-minded and eager. We ask questions. We want to know why. We’re not afraid of the unfamiliar or the unexpected and with this curious, creative spirit, we strive to boldly embrace the unconventional in our entrepreneurial approach.
We are COMMUNAL because our communities have made us who we are. Everyone who walks through our doors or holds one of our products is our community too. What gets them down get us down, and what lifts them up lifts us up. We are bridge-builders and see connections between people and places where others may not. We are emphatic in our embrace of one another and always choose to live and lead in connection rather than isolation.
We are MAKERS because, though we are enthusiastic readers, thinkers, and talkers, we’re itching to be hands-on. We conceive our products in collective curiosity and boundless creativity. It’s all a labor of love for us, carefully considered and calibrated to bring meaningful moments of crafted, communal joy to you Every Day.